At Tritex Services, providing our customers with mats, mops, linen, uniforms and service is our business. In order for us to provide service, we must process the product at our processing plant which involves a huge amount of energy… Water, Natural Gas, Electricity, and Petroleum.
At a time when natural resources are scarce, expensive and conservation is ever more important… we decided to take “A Green Initiative” and become an Eco Friendly Laundry Service. In 2008 we partnered with an engineering firm that specializes in the laundry industry and a group of 15 other independent laundries. Listed below you’ll find a few changes we’ve made that have had a HUGE impact on our community, employees, company, customers and the environment.
We’ve installed a Heat Reclaim System that captures our waste water and preheats our incoming city water. This decreased our natural gas consumption by 63,650 therms per year.
That’s enough natural gas to heat approx. 160, 2,000 square ft. homes per year and 185,328 lbs. CO2 that’s not going into our environment every year.
We’ve installed a Tempered Water Tank, this water is preheated from our heat reclaim system and has eliminated the use of hot water in many applications. We’ve optimized wash loads, adjusted water levels and reduced total loads processed. The result… an annual reduction of 4,268,000 gallons of water by our facility.
That’s enough water to fill approx. 170 20’x40’x8’ swimming pools every year
Through Route Consolidation and adopting a 4 Day Work Week we’ve reduced our overall route mileage by 16,000 miles per year, saving approx. 1,455 gallons of petroleum per year.
That’s enough fuel to power the average passenger car at 22.5 M
We’ve partnered with our mat manufacturer, Mountville Mills, to recycle our obsolete mats. These mats are grounded up and used in boiler fuels.
This results in energy conservation and keeps an enormous amount of non-biodegradable waste out of our landfills.
Our product and services.. mats, towels, aprons, linens versus the usage of 1 time disposable paper product has a HUGE impact on our environment as well. If the total poundage of TEXTILES we process (recycle) annually were PAPER, it would be equivalent to…
Harvesting the timber off of 33 Acres of land… and enough timber to build 21 1,800 square foot homes… every year.
With our savings, we’ve kept our prices very competitive with either NO price increase or in some cases a very minimal price increase. For our company, we’ve reinvested into our employees, made equipment upgrades and became more efficient. Going forward, we’ll continue our efforts to make a positive impact on our environment and making a difference in our community and future of our children.
~Jeff Forester, President Tritex Services