In case of an emergency, an exit strategy is an important thing to have and regularly maintain. In case of an emergency, such as a fire or intruder, it is important to know where the exit doors are located for a quick escape.
Are you prepared in case of an emergency in your place of business? Take a look at some of these requirements that must be met for a safe exit in case a situation arises:
Exits must not be blocked by any obstacles.
Exits must not be locked.
Exits must be a permanent route.
Usually two exits are required. However depending on the size of the staff and building, one may be sufficient.
Ceilings must be at least 7 feet, 6 inches.
Exits must be at least 28 inches wide.
Legible exit signs must be installed to distinguish where emergency exits are located.
Make sure your place of business follows these guidelines so your employees, customers, and visitors can stay safe in case of emergency situations. Safety is always the number one priority in any business. Tritex Services values safety in all our products offered. We take pride in our quality floor mats, facility services, and linen products which are made to last and provide safety for all individuals using these products.
Contact us today for a free quote on our service today!